Cancer Fighter fundraiser 2022: Marathon Monday - Canadian Cancer Society - Become a Cancer Fighter

CCS has launched a new fundraising site! Fundraisers registered before June 27 remain active on this site and keep access to their Fundraising Centre.

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Cancer Fighter fundraiser 2022

Marathon Monday

We are a team of Cancer Fighters. While we each may have our own reason for joining the fight against cancer, we are all united in our belief that we can make a difference. And your support will too!

When you make a donation to our team or to any of the passionate team members, you are providing hope to thousands of people affected by cancer. Your generosity will fund innovative research, provide vital support services to cancer patients and help change lives.

Please donate online today and help our team reach our goal.


Thank you!

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Proceeds from our fundraiser will support the fight against cancer

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18 Over Par Podcast
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Zadorozny Family
$7,142.90 raised
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