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    What I will do for Daffodil Day

    What I will do for Daffodil Day
    What I will do for Daffodil Day

    It's time to reconnect with an old family friend

    On April 27th, I will be reconnecting with a family friend. She was just diagnosed before Christmas. She lost her husband to lung cancer last year and finds herself beginning her own cancer journey. Her daughter has been helping her out so much and I thought it would be nice to give her an afternoon to herself. I am going to go help her get her garden ready to plant and spend the evening visiting over coffee and cards.

    If anyone is unsure about getting involved in Daffodil Day, I will tell them that this is an amazing way to not just tell someone they are in your thoughts and payers and that you are there for them if they need anything, but a way to show them just how much you care. The strength and courage they show everyday of their journey should be your inspiration on April 27th. They have the strength to fight back everyday and on daffodil day is our chance to use our strength to fight back for them.

    I will be wearing my pin proudly on April 27th and I will encourage all my friends to do the same.


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