Témoignages d’espoir

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Témoignages de survivants

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Poem - untitled

The following was written by Carrie Louise Brewer, a writer and poet from Douglas, New Brunswick. Carrie was inspired to write the poem because she has lost many family members and a few dear friends to cancer.

They battle with cancer,
a tough thing to do.
Not all of them make it,
survivors too few.
When thinking of family,
and friends oh so dear.
Who fought such a battle,
without showing fear.
I think of them fondly,
and try not to cry.
There's no use in dwelling
the how and the why.
Let's focus our energy,
talent and drive.
To helping more patients
of cancer survive.
I dream of a world
where cancer is rare.
If we dream together,
we're sure to get there.
Carrie L. Brewer September 18/09


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