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National Office Relay: A phenom

Never thought I'd live through history in the making!

As an old stalwart of Ontario Division, Relay was embedded into the very fibre of your soul; it was ever present in my every waking and sleeping moments, participation was a must and to make matters worse, the burning questions, "what is a great catchy name for our team?", What constumes shall we wear?", "Which venue should we go to this year?"

Moving to National Office a year ago was very different in many ways for me, meeting new people, doing old things in new ways, learning the different processes, and then the best thing happened so far; participating in our first ever Relay!

Never have I witnessed such a transformation, suddenly there was a hum of activity, heightened excitement, great interaction and friendly competition! I have since developed invaluable relationships with some magnificent persons, all because we decide to live what we preach!

We all deserve an enormous round of applause for taking the chance to do a world of good for our cause and for our selves and giving those who never had the opportunity to know what The Canadian Cancer Society is truly about; team spirit and the ability to move mountains and forge new ground!


2024 Société canadienne du cancer. Tous droits réservés. Confidentialité