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Let's make a difference

I walk in honor of my dear friend and neighbor, Rod who is struggling everyday with his cancer. My life has changed just knowing that in a blink of a eye, life as you know it can be painfully taken away. Let's make a difference and find a cure!!!!!Leeann

As Rod lies in ICU day after day, month after month fighting for his life, my heart aches for him and his incredible family. He is a saint, the best of friends, neighbor, dad, husband, papa, and brother.

I can not understand why this happens to a person so great.

I found a wonderful card and gave to him about the strength of the oak tree, how the leaves fall off and the branches become brittle and break but the main part of the tree is the roots and that is where it draws the strength to live. What a perfect analogy for Rod.

This year in 2009 I walk the Relay for Life with my team in honor of Rod in hopes that we can raise the funds to find a cure. May God bless him in his journey.


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