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In memory of Barbara Lindberg

In January 2003 I lost my mom to cancer.

I remember so clearly when it all started. My last year of high school my mom had an appointment with her doctor that ended with a request that she have an X-ray of her head. She didn't think it was necessary so she almost went home. She felt guilty and thought maybe she should just go and get it over with. On that X-ray they got part of her chest....and thats when they found mom was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer.

My family was devastated. We didn't know what to think. We were told that she probably had 6 months to live because that type of cancer spreads quickly. They did radiation and chemotherapy until she was so sick and lost all of her hair. She stayed in good spirits throughout all of it. She made it past her 6 months and we had faith in her that she could beat it. She was told she had gone into remission and we were so happy.

During the next year she had been sick a few times but things still seemed to be going well. The day after Boxing day 2002, I received a phone call at work that on one of my moms x-rays they had found that the cancer had in fact spread to her brain and at that point they could not do any more radiation. They said at most she had a month left.

Shortly after that call she started deteriorating. She couldn't get out of her bed all that much, couldn't do anything for herself.. she started getting confused, it was so hard to watch someone that I love so much go through that. She lasted until one day before it would have been a month. I lost my mom on January 26, 2003.

To this day I can't tell that story without breaking down in tears. My mom was my best friend, and I miss her and love her so much.

She is my reason for doing this.


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