Canadian Cancer Society

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Forever Young

I will walk the relay in honour of my mom who lost her battle to cancer in Aug, 2003.

I will walk this relay in memory of my mom, Candy Desrochers, who lost her battle to this terrible disease after almost 2 years of endless rounds of chemo, radiation and trial drugs. Although it seemed like everyday was a scary, horrific roller coaster ride, she still seemed to live each day to the fullest with a smile on her face.

When the rest of us were down and out, she would give us a hug and tell us not to worry, it would all be ok. She was the strongest, most courageous person I have ever known. She fought her battle to this terrible disease right to the bitter end, as she would always say " I'm not going down without a fight" and she did not!

In the many visits to the Tom Baker, the nurses would look forward to seeing her smiling face, and listening to her great stories! People began to know when she was going to be there for her chemo and look forward to visiting with her because she was such a great lady!

Unfortunately, my mom missed my wedding and the birth of her grandaughter but her legacy is carried on, and we will raise money to help end the pain and suffering for the families dealing with this terrible disease.

Each and everyday I think of my mom and that fact that she is watching down on us, and I know that on June 19, 2009, my mom will be there with us on that track as we pound the pavement in her memory!!!


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