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My Family is disappearing

My Family is Disappearing
My Family is Disappearing

Far too many members of my extended and immediate family have been struck with cancer. I knew I needed to do SOMETHING!

For many years, cancer has never been far from my mind.

All four of my grandparents had cancer and three succumbed to the disease. Two of my uncles have also died, as well as three sisters-in-law, a variety of friends and acquaintances.

I have an aunt who is currently fighting it. Last year someone mentioned the Relay to me and I didn't know much about it, other than it was a walk to raise money. I knew I wanted to do something about it, so decided to jump in with both feet and lead a team. It wasn't easy, but I was determined, and our little Midnight Sunflowers team reached and exceeded our goal last June in Yellowknife, NWT. I had full intentions of leading the same team again this year, with higher goals. I had no idea what life had in store for me.

In October of last year, my father was diagnosed with colon cancer. In November we found out it was stage 4. He has other health issues that prevent him from having a successful surgery to remove the tumors. He has chosen not to proceed with chemo or radiation, having seen the awful pain and torment his two brothers went through, knowing his cancer is quite advanced, and his quality of life would diminish.

At first I was upset that he wasn't going to fight, but then I stepped back and realized this was HIS choice to make, not mine. I fully support his decision to live his life as he chooses. Then came a difficult choice for me. I was living in Yellowknife and my parents live in Dartmouth. I was so far away and did not have the funds to make frequent trips to see him, and we have no idea how long he has.

I made the choice to quit my government job in the north, sell all my furniture and drive back east to stay. I arrived in mid-January and couldn't be happier about the decision. My parents need a great deal of support as my mother can't drive (legally blind) and my Dad is not able to drive much anymore, if at all.

Now that I'm settled in Dartmouth now, and we have a good support system set up for my folks, I began thinking about the Relay and decided it was even more important to lead a team again. I signed up and now have begun the task of recruiting team members.

 Cancer has to be cured. My family is disappearing in rapid numbers due to this deadly disease.

That's why I relay!


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