Canadian Cancer Society

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No one should have to lose the ones they love

No one should have to lose the ones they love
No one should have to lose the ones they love

I relay because I have lost too many people I love to cancer.

I relay because I have lost too many people I love to cancer. I lost my cousin who was also one of my best friends to cancer when he was only 18. I just recently lost one of my best friends to cancer when she was only 26.

I have lost both my nanny and my grandfather to cancer. Too many people are losing people they love to cancer and at a young age. I relay so that no one has to feel the way that I have felt when I lost the people that mean the most to me. I relay so that some day we may find a cure for cancer and so that no one ever has to deal with losing someone that they love ever again.

"Draw a circle, not a heart, around the one you love, because a heart can break but a circle goes on forever".


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