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Cancer Can Be Beaten!

Cancer Can Be Beaten!!
Cancer Can Be Beaten!!

My name is Danielle Bradley, I was diagnosed with Wilms Tumor (cancer of the kidney) when I was 13 months old. I am now 17 years old and have been cancer free for 14 years. Cancer can be Beaten!!

My name is Danielle Bradley. I was diagnosed with Wilms Tumor (cancer of the kidney) when I was 13 months old. I am now 17 years old and have been cancer free for 14 years.

I am doing the Relay for Life because the Canadian Cancer Society was there when we needed them, and now I would like to give back all the support and help. I want to help and show those that have been diagnosed with cancer that it can be beat!! The Relay For Life gives you that chance.

You may look at the situation as there is no good outcome, that it's not going to get any better. And you have every right to, but is that really going to help? My family received a lot of help and support from everyone, especially the Canadian Cancer Society. You just need to keep a positive attitude. Don't let that smile turn to a frown!

And always remember cancer can, will be beaten, if not now, soon.


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