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My Sister - My Hero

My Sister - My Hero
My Sister - My Hero

In August 2008 my sister passed away after a heroic struggle with cancer. Her amazing strength is a timeless source of inspiration for our family and the many friends who love her. Cancer MUST be beaten!

In October 2005 my sister Sheila was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and had surgery. In February of 2006 she was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and had four months of radical radiation and chemo. In April 2007 she was told her colon cancer was back and in June she had surgery again. She passed away in August 2008.

Not once in two years and ten months did she complain about her situation. Her faith, strength, sense of humour and incredible will to live uplifted everyone around her. She set goals after her first surgery and achieved them all.

We travelled to Vegas together, to her son's wedding in Maui where we surfed, snorkeled and parasailed. We went on a yacht off of Vancouver Island and watched the dolphins play. She reached her 50th birthday and attended her daughter's high school graduation.

She came out of the hospital so we could take part in the Survivor Lap at the 2008 Relay For Life in Fort McMurray. While we were doing the lap she told me that we should put a team in again this year. I agreed. In one week she raised over $8000.00. We hope to carry on that wonderful spirit of hers.

She is why I relay.


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