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The Monster

The Monster
The Monster

A poem that I put together for the Relay For Life. It comes from my own experiences of losing a loved one to cancer.

For all of my life, you have been there for me,
A backbone sometimes, and a help when in need.
Even when separated by great spans of sea,
I knew that you would always be there for me.

Upon my return, to you I would call,
But yours was a face, that I could not recall.
Where was the smile that would bring me from tears?
Or the boisterous laugh that removed all my fears?

Both were replaced with a sullen, thin face,
And a meek and timid voice that I couldn't place.
Yes it was you, that I can't deny,
But not as I remembered, and with only one reason why.

A monster had consumed you, or the you I used to know,
A frail and elder body, was all that was left to show.
Many times you went to battle with this monster that was hidden,
Even though you won a couple times, his victory was smitten.

Eventually it took you, as there was nothing we could do,
Because today there is no cure for the cancer inside of you.
But it's because of you that today I try my very best,
To help in anyway I can to put this monster to rest.

I may not be a doctor or a super-hero of sorts,
But believe me when I tell you that this cancer we will thwart!
And for you my dearest Grampa, I know it is too late,
But I admire you and all you did, before you succumbed to fate.

Forever in my memory, that one day I will keep,
The day we sat as family with a six pack on my knee.
Together we shared a beverage, but maybe more than that,
'Cause in the chair across from me, my REAL Grampa sat.

We laughed and talked together with the sun upon our face,
Your voice and laughter bringing me back to a better day and place.
Even though it wasn't too long after, before you passed away,
Your passing was that much easier, because we had that day.

And if you ever hear me chuckle while thinking of the past,
I'm remembering your comment of "Char, I can't drink THAT fast!"
In your memory, dear Grampa, I will walk in the 'Relay For Life'
Feel free to join me for a couple laps, and for a cure we'll strive.

In memory of Arthur Elwood Pruitt
1934 - 2005


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