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Why I run.

This is why I'm doing this relay, although it's my first time, I'm sure it won't be my last.

I found out about this event from my Cheerleading Coach Nadine Brown.

She mentioned to us as a team, that she would like to register us for this because her father suffers from this awful disease. Although this is how I found out, and through her I was registered, that is not the reason I will run.

When I was seven, my family and I received a phone call one night when I was being tucked in to bed. My father came back into my room and told me that my Aunt Jane was dead. I cried myself to sleep that night, and I don't think my parents realized how much it affected me.

You see, we didn't get to visit my aunt Jane and uncle Bud much, because they lived down in Lunenburg, quite the drive from my place. But every time I went down, I would instantly forget about this horrible thing that would soon take my angel. I forgot, because as soon as I would see her, she would envelope me in a 'ginormous hug', with a massive smile on her face, while I could smell her baking throughout the house.

We would always go for walks on the beach, and everything like it was all normal. I don't think they knew that I understood. The thing that made me admire her the most was that she was able to live, even as she was dying.

Aunt Jane, I am running for you, because without you, I wouldn't have been the person I am today. I love you, and you are forever in my heart. I also run, so someday, no one else will go through the pain that I know she went through, and I know families go through.


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