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For my Mom

For my Mom
For my Mom

My Mom's best friend and my reason for doing the Relay For Life!

Hi Everyone...I just wanted to share my story.
On April 15, 2009 my Mom's best friend called me and asked me what I thought about us doing the Relay for Life in honour of my Mom, she asked me if I would be willing to shave my head with her as well. My hair is long enough to donate, her's isn't but it was something she wanted to do in case, when my Mom started her Chemo, her hair fell out. We wanted her to know that she was not alone in anyway shape or form. I of course said yes!
Two days later my Mom passed away, April 17, 2009. She had only been diagnosed 5 weeks prior to passing. I only asked my Mom, on the day she slipped into a coma, one thing; to wait until my brother and sister made it home to say goodbye...she did. Shortly after my brother was able to say good bye she passed. While I was saying my goodbyes (just in case because we didn't know that it would happen as she had already pulled out of a couple of bad complications) I promised her that her best friend and I would continue with our plan to both shave our heads and walk in our hometown Relay for Life.
Her funeral a week later was one of the biggest the funeral home had ever seen in our little town...over 450 many that they lined up outside(from what I understand) even though they couldn't see the slideshow, or anyone who was speaking, everyone still stood there and listened.

To date with our Relay for Life team (Who Loves Ya Baby!) has passed our team goal of $5000, and are still going strong. We still have until June 6th our Relay for Life, so my Mom's best friend and I have until then left with our hair!

RIP Mama! I miss you more each day!


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