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My Mother

My Mother
My Mother

I am relaying to fight back against this terrible disease that took my mom.

This is my first year doing the Relay for Life and it is something very important and close to my heart.

On February 17, 2009 my mom, Janice Kelly, 53, passed away after an 8 month fight with colon cancer. I feel that I need to help raise funds to find a cure for this terrible disease. If I can help at least one child from losing their mom then I have done my job. My mom was my life and my best friend. I still cannot believe she is gone forever, and I am so angry, that I need to fight as hard as my mom fought.

No one should have to lose their mom at such a young age. No one should have to explain to 3 young boys why their 'Nana' can't come and visit them anymore. No one should have to go through the torture my mom went through, with surgery, chemo, and tons of medications. It's no way to live. I take comfort in knowing mom is no longer in pain, and no longer suffering with cancer.

RIP mom, and this one's for you. I know you will be watching us from heaven.


Your daughter Kim


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