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This is my first Relay year

This is my first relay year
This is my first relay year

I lost my Dad. I still have my friend, but I see and feel it everyday at work. Cancer is there. I want to show my support by doing the Relay myself and by asking my friends to donate if they can.

My Dad died at age 63. He had a lump on his neck which led to testing and they found it in his lungs. The week before the chemo was to start they did another scan. It was worse. They said he had 6 to 9 months to live and they would do radiation and chemo. A week later on the first day of chemo, he had a heart attack and died in the emergency dept of a Toronto hospital. I'm glad he did not suffer, but I miss him still. The really memorable thing was that the day he found out (a week before he died) we asked him: what would he like to do? A trip or anything special? My Dad said, "I'd like to not have pain. I'd like to see my grand children and I'd like to keep working." Which he did!
Also my best friend had breast cancer and through all the surgery and chemo and MD appointments she kept it real and centered and I admire her for that. She has made positive changes to her diet and wow she is out there running and keeping fit. I am lucky she is here and doing well and I want to support her.
Thirdly, I am a nurse and everyday I see someone affected by cancer. Either new diagnosis or at the "end of life".
I want to raise money for research and treatment. This is how I choose to help.


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