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My reason for Relay for Life

My reason for Relay for Life
My reason for Relay for Life

I relay for my Grandma Rosemarie Abrahamson, she is an 11 year breast cancer survivor! She faced it with courage and a brave face. She lost her husband to bowel cancer a year and five months previous to being diagnosed with breast cancer herself!

After a short 2 week battle with cancer my Grandfather Willard Abrahamson passed away leaving my Grandma stunned. She was also shocked that her eldest sister was diagnosed and only lived a month or two longer. Almost a year later she herself was diagnosed with Cancer, I'm sure she thought she also would die in a short time. We all stuck by her side to encourage her to fight. She always had regular breast exams and pap test so it was shocking to find a lump! She was so determined to not dwell on her diagnosis but with two loved ones falling victim I'm sure she felt the dispair. Needless to say she battled hard and won her fight! She is my Hero, my invisible force pushing me to keep going even when it feels like I can't. I hope that not another person is affected but that is unrealistic. My two daughters are my new motivation to keep on fighting to find a cure. We will beat this disease one day! KEEP ON FIGHTING, BE STRONG!!!!

Raelene Bennett
Team Captain
Cancer Free


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