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A wonderful women.

About my grandmother who meant everything to everybody!! Who was wondrous and caring!

My grandmother Marjorie Gallan was a wonderful Mother, nanny!! She always put herself last and everybody else first!! She was caring and she lit up a room with her smile!! She was hardly ever sick, maybe the common cold but that is it!! July 20, 2004 was a day that will forever be in my mind, that was the day that she was told she had cancer, five days before my 22 birthday. She had found a lump on her chest and went to the doctor as soon as she could. She had a sore hip for a month or so as well and come to find out she had bone cancer. She was completely full of this awful disease, she tried treatments, but they did no justice; needless to say my wonderful nanny who I loved like my own mother, the lady that raised me to be who I am today passed away 32 days after being diagnosed with this dreadful disease!! I Relay for her and everybody else out there who has been touched by this!!! Someday we will have a cure!


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