Canadian Cancer Society

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I Relay for a cure

My family has been touched by cancer, many times over the years and we Relay for a cure!

My daughter came to me one day when she was 18 years old, in tears, as her gynecologist had just told her that she had cervical cancer. As a girl who had always wanted a family, she was devastated. After a few long years of treatments, she was deemed to be cancer free, at last. But due to the damage to her cervix, and the healing that was needed, she had 4 miscarriages, each pregnancy lasting a little longer than the one before, and finally at the age of 25, she was able to carry her daughter to full term. It was a miracle! Then nine years later, she was able to have another beautiful daughter, and then a son. She survived cancer, and beat the odds of having children.
My daughter in law has just learned that she has lymphoma, and we are awaiting more tests to determine the stage and grade of her type, which is Follicular B Cell, once all the tests are in, I am hoping that her treatment will start, and she can go into remission and lead a happy life. She has three children, ages 8,6, and 4, and her and my son are dealing with this as best they can.
We have lost many family members, and friends to this disease over the years from Breast Cancer, Prostrate Cancer, Lung Cancer, and Brain Cancer.
I Relay because I want to support all the cancers, for research so that a cure may be found. I pray for those who have lost the battle and I hope for those who are fighting for their lives. I will be there, with my family, to celebrate survivorship, to pay tribute to those who are no longer here, and to give hope to everyone who is now suffering. We want a cure. We Relay for Hope.


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