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I run...

I run...
I run...

I run for my brother and for others who may not be able to do so at this time. I run to bring hope to all of the victims of this disease and for their families. I run to bring an end to this disease. I run so that I can try and help...

A year ago I got a call from my mom telling me that my brother was diagnosed with cancer. It hit like a hammer, but was still surreal. How could someone so young, so vibrant, and so full of life have cancer? Tears well up and slowly slide down my face, and the smallest thing can bring them on. But I look at him, at my younger brother, and he looks strong. He looks straight ahead and stares cancer straight in the face. I wish I could say it's over. I wish I could say this nightmare is gone, but he is still fighting. He is going strong. It's been up and down. And not a moment goes by that cancer does not cross my mind. And that is why I run. I run for him. I run because I can. I don't run from this fear of cancer, but rather towards it with hope and courage in my heart. I run to bring hope to those affected and for those who may not be able to run at this time. I run to bring cancer to an end and so that no one else has to go through this. I would rather switch places with him, but because I can't I will run for him. I am proud of my brother, and together, we will fight, Lee, my mom and the rest of our family and friends.


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