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My Father

My father who lost a battle with Cancer, and how it changes so many lives.

In 2003 my father was stricken with a disease that would change my life for ever. He was diagnosed with cancer. My father was a man who was loved not only by his family but by many who knew him, he was a man that was very pleasant and was not disliked by anyone. He battled this disease for two years not giving up hope. Treatment after treatment he was still able to make people laugh even though he was hurting so bad inside. He went in remission for a short while, but it returned once again. But he lost his battle when the disease went to his bone. I can still remember that morning as he still was telling jokes to the nurses and within a few short hours he was gone, surrounded by love ones in the room as he passed on from this life. It was the hardest thing that I had to deal with, and when you lose a parent there is a piece of you that is lost forever. Even as I type this I feel emotions and remember the best man I ever knew, a man who shaped the person I am today and a man I will love and miss forever.


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