Canadian Cancer Society

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Cancer strikes when you least expect it...

Cancer strikes when you least expect it...
Cancer strikes when you least expect it...

Cancer changed our lives for ever in less than 24 hours...

Dec. 30/09 my best friend and partner of 38 years took a pain in her side, went to a walk-in clinic, was told she had a hernia, went to emergency at 5:30 pm at 8:30 pm we knew she had a large mass in her belly, still not sure what the lumps were in her groin, went home and returned to the hospital at 7 am on the 31st and at 10:30am was told that she had ovarian cancer and possibly lymphoma. Surgery was 10 days later and she is now completing her 5th chemo treatment. She is doing very well thanks to improved diagnosis, chemo and anti-nausea drugs. Only 12 years earlier we lost my mom to breast cancer and 2 co-workers - one to lung cancer and the other bone cancer. They did not respond as well to the treatment and were much more ill from Chemo. It is because of many friends including Colleen that have been diagnosed with Cancer in 2009 & 2010 that I have taken up the torch and will be running with The Relay for Life team "Mel's Belles". Mel's best friend and partner is a survivor of Cancer since 2009 and we are here to support our partners in their journey to beat this dreaded disease.


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