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I recieved news in the same week that both my grandmothers had been diagnosed with Cancer.

Just before the summer of 2009, I was 14 years old, and had received the most horrible news I had heard of in my entire life. "Your grandmother has lung cancer." Naturally, I cried, but I also tried to remain strong and remember that technology has advanced, and she had her chances of survival. A week or so later, still in pain, I received more bad news. "Your grandmother has cancer." Thinking it was the same grandmother, I was confused. But no, in one week I had been told that I had the potential of losing both my grandparents. Thank you, Cancer. I was heartbroken and scared, unsure how to react. Through the next 3 months my grandma Kay with lung cancer had been in the hospital, never getting better, and refusing to do treatment. She knew inside that it would not save her. The cancer was vicious and fast-acting. I will never forget the day we took her to the doctor for the first time, then after receiving the news that she must be admitted to hospital immediately, walked into the chapel in the hospital to cry. I had never seen her cry before. She was in the hospital until August; just before reaching her 79th birthday. Then she passed away. Her lungs were filled with fluids that could not be pumped out quick enough. Now I was even more terrified of losing my Grandma Katie. She however, was doing chemo. With a few treatments and a few months, it was to everyone's relief that she had beat cancer.
I do relay 4 life so no grandson, granddaughter, niece, nephew, son, daughter, cousin, or anyone has to lose their loved one to cancer - a beatable disease.
I do relay 4 life in memory of Grandma Kay, and in celebration of Grandma Katie.
I love them both.



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