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Luttez contre le cancer

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I Relay for Hope

I Relay for the hopes of people not having to hear the words,"you have cancer".

Shortly after signing up for Relay for Life I was told that my Aunt has a very aggressive Cancer and it is untreatable.So on top of having survived Cancer and having so many people in my family touched by this disease, how can I not Relay for Life?
I am very grateful to my team mates who supported me in going to see my Aunt and they never expected me to worry about the fund-raising that we were to do all together back here at home.
Having had this support and knowing the support that is coming in the Relay really makes you appreciate those around you that are so willing to give of their time for anyone affected by this disease.
So like everyone in the Relay...I Relay for the hopes of finding a cure, the hopes of preventing anyone else from dying, or from suffering from such an unforgiving disease.
I Relay for the Hope of every person that has been touched by Cancer.


2024 Soci?t? canadienne du cancer. Tous droits r?serv?s. Confidentialit?