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Gone too soon

Two lives cut short.

I relay for my dad and my grandmother. In April 2009 my grandmother was diagnosed and passed all within a week. She died on my daughter's 3rd birthday. In February of 2010 my father was taken by the disease, a week after the birth of my second daughter. Both were quite young and had a lot of life to live. My grandmother was 65 and had so much life in her and many young grandchildren and great-grandchildren to enjoy. My dad was only 52, he lived and worked hard and was on the verge of retirement. He had so much he wanted to do in his retirement years. Two lives were taken much too soon to cancer and I relay to honor their memory and to help find a cure so families in the future don't have to feel the pain our family has.


2024 Société canadienne du cancer. Tous droits réservés. Confidentialité