Canadian Cancer Society

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My husband is a survivor

We want to support a great cause!

About 2 1/2 years ago we were shocked to learn my husband had colon cancer. He was successfully treated and appears to have made a full recovery. However, we learned his cancer had a genetic component and testing on his immediate family found that his mother had the same cancer, but more advanced. She has recently completed chemotherapy treatments. We also discovered this cancer was likely the cause of death for an uncle. If we had been more aware, my husband would have been tested sooner. Our children will start to be tested at an earlier age than they would otherwise have been.
While our story has turned out pretty well, we are happy to be involved in Relay for Life so that we can help to contribute to Cancer Research. We hope other families that face a diagnosis of cancer have good treatment options and access to early testing. We also want to remind people that there are some happy endings and people do survive cancer.
We are grateful to those that have worked so hard in the past on cancer research so that we had good information to work with and confidence in the approach our doctor made to deal with this cancer.
We have praise for all the health-care workers involved and appreciate the empathy and kindness we received from everyone including our friends, family, and co-workers. Doubtless most people have been touched in some way by cancer and have lost friends and family to it as we have. I am very proud of my daughter for getting our team started and I think we are all going to have a lot of fun doing a very good thing. We hope to see many people at the Relay!


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