Canadian Cancer Society

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Why I fight back 365 days!!

Why I fight back 365 days!!
Why I fight back 365 days!!

Why Relay For Life has given me HOPE!

Relay For Life is very important to me, for many reasons!!
My dad was diagnosed 2 years ago, and still fighting his battle, when he found a small mole on his calf that kept bleeding and was not any getting better. He had it checked out and it turned out to be malignant melanoma. It turns out that melanoma (skin cancer) can be hereditary, so of course I had to be checked out, and I am ok,at this time! I will for sure be staying out of the sun as much as I can, always wearing my sunscreen/hat, NOT going to a tanning bed and will check my moles/skin on a regular basis. Prevention is key and early detection can help save lives!
My dads melanoma spread to his lymph nodes (lymphoma) and he had to have many surgeries to remove the cancerous tumours up his leg and into both sides of his groin area. He had more surgeries to remove the tumours and also underwent chemo, everyday for an entire month. He drove himself, friends helped out but he also had to use the Canadian Cancer Society's transportation program, where they have volunteer drivers that will drive patients to and from their treatments! What an amazing FREE (thanks to all of the special people who make donations to the CCS) program that is offered to patients who need our support!
My dad was continually having MRI's, CT scans and other tests to make sure the cancer was not spreading, but unfortunately, it did!!! The doctors found tumours in his stomach (just a few months ago), more surgery and the talk of him having to have radiation, daily for 4 weeks. In the meantime, he was also going to have to have another colonoscopy, just in case the cancer was spreading even more. Guess what....the UGLY C had spread again! A tumour was found on his colon (last month), meaning MORE SURGERY and a delay on his stomach radiation. Having this colonoscopy helped save his life, they found this tumour with early detection and had it removed immediately!! Unfortunately for me and my brothers, colon cancer is hereditary as well!! That means, I am high risk for 2 types of cancers now and I am only 32 years old. BUT I will use preventative measures (as mentioned above) as well as by making sure I eat high fibre foods, have a colonoscopy (even if it's not very comfortable) on a regular basis (when needed)--as colon cancer is 90% treatable when caught early and see my doctor on a yearly basis.
It would have scared me to hear all of this a few years ago, but being part of RELAY has truly opened my eyes to the words that you never want to you--"You have cancer" and Relay has given me HOPE for our future and I will continue to fight this battle, for my dad, ME, my family and friends and for all of those I have not met! I will continue to FIGHT BACK and will always be a part of RELAY until we find a CURE!!


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