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Why We Relay

Why We Relay
Why We Relay

It gives me hope.

For starters, last year my friends decided to recruit me for a team, dedicated to one of the captain's mother who had recently overcome breast cancer. It was the greatest night I had ever experienced. Walking with everyone all night long with the music and laughter was living a dream of sorts. I spent that night praying for my father's recovery and for my friend's mother, reliving old times with my friends, and even chatted with friends I had not spoke to since grade school.
This year, I decided to create my own team to honour my father, who did not survive the second brain tumour he developed during that year. He was only 48, leaving behind five children under the age of 18(which I will be), his wife, enormous family and a legacy that will not be forgotten.
The idea of doing Relay yet again popped into mind at his funeral, at which thousands of mourners gathered, to the surprise of the entire family. We did not know so much support and love could be shown, yet it still keeps us going today. I create my team in memory of my father and my friend's father as well, in honour of my best friend's mother, my godmother, my boyfriend’s aunt and grandmother, and my grandfather. The last year, cancer has developed so much within my family, that it is time that we all joined together to support them and the others that cancer will effect. I know that Relay will be a joyous occasion for my entire team, and that memories and emotions will overcome us; yet I know that we'll never forget the night to come.


2024 Soci?t? canadienne du cancer. Tous droits r?serv?s. Confidentialit?