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Smile, be happy and make cancer a thing of the past!

Smile, Be happy and make cancer a thing of the past!
Smile, Be happy and make cancer a thing of the past!

In Memory of Linda Boudreau <3

I relay because I wish for cancer to be something I won’t have to worry about as I age. I relay because just about 9 years ago my aunt found out she had ovarian cancer, but when she found out it was already too late. My aunt Linda was a beautiful woman who through her whole process of cancer and chemo therapy never stopped smiling and never gave up hope or love for her family.

I relay in memory of her and in honor of anyone who has ever had cancer or may still have cancer and like me, wants this horrible disease to be something no one has to worry about anymore.


2024 Société canadienne du cancer. Tous droits réservés. Confidentialité