Canadian Cancer Society

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For My Daddy

for my daddy
for my daddy

We relay for our husband/daddy, Philip who was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer at the early age of 36.

In June 2009 my husband was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer. He was only 36 years old. What a shock! We had a baby who was not even 2 years old! What were we going to do? How would we get through this? Then came the news that this was not a curable cancer! It had metastasized to other locations. What did this mean for our future? How would this affect our family? Would his sons have to fight this terrible disease when they get older? These were only a few of the questions that were going through our heads. I won't lie and say that it has been easy. It has been hard. There have been many tears, much exhaustion, more tears, some yelling, and guess what??? MORE TEARS. But through all of this there has been some laughter, and the knowledge that we are not in this fight alone. Our family and friends have rallied around us and support us emotionally, physically and whatever other ways they can. We thank them for all they have done. And I guess if there is anything good that has come from this horrible disease, it is that we are shown everyday how much people care and what wonderful friends and families we have.


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