Canadian Cancer Society

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I'm relaying to help find a Cure.

I'm relaying to help find a Cure.
I'm relaying to help find a Cure.

I'm relaying to help find a Cure.

While survival rates are improving everyday,cancer remains a leading cause of death.This is why my Son Gordon 11 and Daughter Rebecca 12 will be joining in with me to help find a cure.
I don't know of anyone who has not been affected by cancer in someway,whether it's battling this horrible disease personally or watching a loved one suffer.
My involvement in Relay for Life was initiated by my Son's Scout Leader.A group of Scouts and many others will be walking to help find a cure.
CANCER..this six letter word brings such fear and heartache to so many.
Every One of us has the Potential to get Cancer,and the Potential to cure it.


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