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Remembering Dad

Remembering Dad
Remembering Dad

A shocking diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma and a short time to fully understand how our lives would change, my family quickly learned how cancer would stop us all in our tracks.

I relay as a way to honour my Dad who passed away from Multiple Myeloma on July 3, 2008. We had 33 days from the day he was diagnosed with cancer to the day he passed away. I am thankful to have spent those last days with my Dad. He was a loving, giving person who was unselfishly devoted to our family and his community. He was the best Dad that anyone could ask for.

When I walk the track at Relay for Life, I remember all of the wonderful memories that I'm left with and I say a prayer that cancer will soon be beaten and that I won't ever have to face it again.


2024 Société canadienne du cancer. Tous droits réservés. Confidentialité