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Luttez contre le cancer

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A fight to the end

Hopefully some day we will find a cure for a person with 2 different cancers at once

 Our sister, wife, mother,and grandmother was a real fighter, Vi lost her battle to cancer last year but not without a fight. Vi was one of the unlucky ones with 2 different cancers. Vivian had both Melanoma and lymphoma. The treatment for one would not kill the other and vice versa. Vi didn't have much of a chance but hopefully with more research some day they will find a way to cure a person with 2 different cancers at once.

I know this is something she would want because Vi was always worried about everyone else. Vi was one special lady who deserved alot more, especially a cure.


2024 Soci?t? canadienne du cancer. Tous droits r?serv?s. Confidentialit?