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Everyone has a story....

Why I Relay.

It's mine and my family's first time participating in this year's Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life. We want to support all of you who are and have been affected by cancer. My family and I have been personally affected by cancer. My mother, a tower of strength, Beulah Banfield who has since past. An incredible man whom I had the pleasure to know and was a part of my extended family, Dave Goulding, he has since past. My son's "Poppy", Clifford Humber, who loved his "little man". And now most recently, my daddy, Gilbert Banfield (The Candy Man or Gilly Boy) has been diagosed. "Cancer" a word so commonly used as the word "weather", but until you hear those dreadful words that your loved one has it, do you truly understand its impact.

So on behalf of myself and my family, please join us in the fight against cancer by supporting our participation in Relay For Life now. It's easy - just click on the blue "Support (my name)" button near the upper right side of this page (above the thermometer). Learn more about why the Canadian Cancer Society is our best partner in the fight against cancer at www.cancer.ca.

Help us reach our goal! You can be part of a community that takes up the fight. Please pledge me now and join me in the fight against cancer. Online pledging is secure and it saves the Society money by reducing administrative costs - it means the money you give can go further to help the fight against cancer. If you want to read more about how your donation helps in the fight against cancer, click the "Where your money goes" link on the left side of your screen.

Thank you for your Support!


2024 Société canadienne du cancer. Tous droits réservés. Confidentialité