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Just Because

Each week we pray for people in the community that are undergoing cancer treatments,surviving cancer, or have lost the battle to cancer.

At Hillgrove Baptist Church it has appeared that each week a name or names have been brought up to pray for, that in some way has been affected by cancer. This terrible disease is not only attacking our communities it is reaching into our midst more and more - with some of the people affected very close to our hearts. While I continue to pray for those whom I know by name only; I will walk for those in my Church family that are struggling with cancer now. Any donation, large or small, will help in the research to defeat this disease. Donate $5,$10,$20,$100 --whatever you feel you can spare to help save a life. Remember many small donations add up to large ones.
Thank you


2024 Société canadienne du cancer. Tous droits réservés. Confidentialité