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In honour of my Mom and Dad

This year was the hardest year of my life.

On Febuary 4, 2010,my mother, my best friend and confidant was ripped of all her independence and her freedom. She was diagnosed with GBM 4 (Terminal Primary brain cancer). She was never the same. It was like night and day. It's like one day you wake up you don't know who you are or where you're going. I spent 10 months watching her wither away and at the end not really knowing who I was. She passed away on December 27, 2011.
On March 22nd, 2011 I received a phone call telling me that my father was on life support. I rushed down to go see him and 8 days later he passed away with lymphoma and generalized cancer. I'm numb. Before this I've heard of cancer but was never personnally touched by it.
Now I'm grieving for the two most important people in my life. So in honour of them and everybody else who has been touched by these awful diseases, I will be proud to help raise money for this cause and hope that one day it will be a thing of the past and no one else has to suffer again!!!!


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