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Rileys Road

Receiving the devastating news that your 16 month old little man has been diagnosed with a rare childhood cancer.

At 16 mts, not 10 days before christmas 2010, our little man was diagnosed with a rare childhood cancer called neuroblastoma. It was devastating for our family especially Rileys twin sister Payton and his 3 yr old sister Maddie. Riley has undergone 4 rounds of chemo. He responded well to the chemo but he is still left with the tumor wrapped around his major blood vessels going into his kidneys and abdomen. There can be no surgical intervention as the surgery would be far to risky for Riley, so the doctors have decided to stop all of Rileys treatment, leave the tumor in his body, and wait and see what happens. This again is very hard for us to comprehend. They don't know how children get neuroblastoma or if there is any way to prevent children from getting this. We would like to bring more awareness to childhood cancers. Having this happen has really made us see to not sweat with small stuff and enjoy everyday and minute because you never know what's around the corner. Riley is our hero, he is such a strong and brave little boy who we all love dearly. He is a little charmer and will steal your heart with his bald little head and his smile.


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