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Why Am I taking Part in Relay for Life 2011

This is my first year to be involved in Relay for Life.

I am taking part in memory of several special people and in honour of others who are fighting to beat Cancer. I think we have all been touched by Cancer in some way. My first memory of Cancer is really when my Dad was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease when I was very young. He beat it but I remember his radiation treatments and my mom coming to the hospital from Cape Breton to see him. He survived the Cancer but sadly died from a heart attack in 2000. My grandmother battled breast cancer and beat it for so many years but now is no longer with us. My father in law had esophageal and lung cancer and sadly died in 2005.

 I also do this in memory of Dawn who was my age and died far too young after putting up such a brave battle for several years. This effort though is also in honour of those who have survived and those who are still fighting.

Cancer touched our family many times including in 2009 when my mom gave me the scary news that she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is an amazing woman and was lucky that she was diagnosed very early and did well.She takes part in Relay for Life every year! I am doing this for my friends Amy,Sheldon and BJ who are working so hard to beat this thing! I am also doing this in honour of my good friend Sandra who is a real survivor! We can all make a difference! I Relay to honour and remember....


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