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Family is Everything

Family is Everything
Family is Everything

I am relaying in memory of my Aunt Nancy

My Aunt Nancy meant so much to our entire family; she was always there for each and every one of us. No matter what you needed, whether it was a shoulder to cry on, someone to laugh hysterically at your silly stories, a place to stay (with your kids in tow) or simply a few encouraging words, she was there.
When I had some rough times, living on my own for the first time as a young adult, she showed up at my door at least once a week with a couple bags of groceries to help out, never ever once asking anything in return. She was always there to run me to the Doctors appointment or to the emergency room with a baby with a late night fever.
When I was growing up, she spent every week-end at our house, and she always brought some kind of treats with her. We hated snow storms on the week-end because that always meant that Nancy wasn't coming up.
The summer she got sick, I made sure I was there for her like she had been there for me all of my life, never could I even come close to what she had done for me, but in a small way I tried. I just wanted her to know that everything she had done for me was appreciated and how much I loved her! One day while my daughters and I were visiting her, she told me how very proud of me she was for being such a good mother and for being so close with my girls; I will cherish those words forever. Family was everything to Nancy and our family is not the same without her.
So I am relaying in her memory, hoping that she is watching over us as my daughters, my cousins and my friends all join together and raise money for such a good cause


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