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I relay so that we may all remember to "Live, Love, Laugh"

I knew that my husband was a survivor when I first met him.

I knew that my husband was a survivor when I first met him. We were not prepared to deal with the disease together in the first year of our marriage. 10 years later, my husband is healthy and the father of 4 boys. This is the happy part of my story. The sad part is that in the past 4 years we have lost many. My husband lost his mother, I lost my mother in law and my children lost their Oma. The same year we lost my Granny. Most recently we have lost many wonderful friends in our small town. Cliff Ashley, Jeff Allen, Alivia Vanderklei and Jenna Louws. The hole that you have left in the heart of this community can never be filled.
Jenna lived her life with this motto "Live, Love, Laugh" and would want us to all do the same. I will. Always and forever.


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