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My mom, my hero!

My mom, my hero!
My mom, my hero!

My mother is fighting stage 4 lung cancer.

This is my 2nd year doing the relay. Last year, I did it for my mom who years ago at the age of 29 survived breast cancer. This year takes on a whole new meaning for me. Right after Christmas we found out my mother had lung cancer and a few weeks after that we found out it was in stage 4. My mom is my hero and every day I watch her fight this horrible fight, knowing that with it in stage 4, that my beautiful mother won't survive this. I want to help raise money so that one day we will have a cure for cancer, and other families won't be going through the heart break that mine is. If I could have one dream, one wish, it would be for a cure for cancer....Luv you Mom...xoxox


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