Canadian Cancer Society

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The Love of My Life

My husband David was taken far too soon and with far too much pain.

Cancer entered my husband's life twice. First, it was melanoma, deadly but if caught early chances of survival are very good. That was 1986. Fast forward 2008, lung cancer found in a lifelong non-smoker, never overweight, worked out at the gym vigorously. David appeared to be in great shape. Non-small cell carcinoma, by the time you find out you have it, it is usually too late. It had already metastasized to other areas including bone. He suffered more than anyone should and his pain was never controlled. He fought it hard. He was given 6-9 months and cancer gave him 5 months and 6 days. David was robbed the most but our children, grandchildren and myself have been robbed of this wonderful man we called Dad, Papa and the love of my life. I will relay as long as I possibly can and when I am unable to, I will keep after people to donate so that someday this nasty disease will be extinct!


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