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My Sister- Carly Bunyan

My sister Carly battled cancer for 7 years, She was the oldest of 4 children of the Bunyan family. She was an amazing person, anyone who knew Carly, knew her for her smile, and kind heart. She is missed by so many, especially her family and friends.

In 2005, she was the recipient of the Wilma Rudolph Student Athlete Achievement Award, for Athletes overcoming adversity.
Carly was the Captian for her UMaine track team in 2005-06 and then graduated from UMaine with a degree in Anthropology.
She also took part in 2 Canada Summer Games, Once in Ontario 2001, the second Saskatchewan 2005 her NS teamates nominated her the province's flag bearer for the closing ceremonies.
There is a Regional Memorial trophy for Carly, also S.A.E.R.C has a annual award for most inspirational student in her honor.
UMaine plans on putting a plaque up by the triple jump pits in UMaine field house in honor of Carly, and are developing a Scholarship as well.
Carly was an honorary chair for the Relay for Life in 2007, she loved this event more than anything.
..never give up, if you gave up today and there was a cure tomorrow..That would suck"......Carly Bunyan Relay For Life 2007 Opening Ceremonies.


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