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Luttez contre le cancer

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Why I Relay

Why I Relay
Why I Relay

My mother, her sister & my sister were also affected by Breast Cancer, and my father had Lung Cancer. Unfortunately, they have all lost their battle with this horrible disease.

Why I Relay
For you
For me
For a cure to be found
Lap after lap slow or fast
Walking that track
Honoring all survivors
Remembering all victims
Lap after lap slow or fast
Tears flowing like a river
Remembering the past
Fighting for the future
Lap after lap slow or fast
All through the night
We keep on going
Cancer doesn't sleep so why should we
Lap after lap slow or fast
This is my 8th year as a SURVIVOR and I'm proud to say that I will once again be walking that Survivor Lap.
In 2003 when I heard those terrible words "YOU HAVE BREAST CANCER" I was in shock. My mother, her sister & my sister were also affected by Breast Cancer, and my father had Lung Cancer. Unfortunately, they have all lost their battle with this horrible disease.
Within 6 months of my diagnosis I had surgery, 4 rounds of Chemotherapy & a month of Radiation Therapy. Yes, I lost all my hair including my eyelashes. I also took medication every day for 5 years. I can only hope that someday this terrible disease will be curable.


2024 Soci?t? canadienne du cancer. Tous droits r?serv?s. Confidentialit?