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For the women in my family

I lost my mother 13 years ago to Brain, Throat and Lung cancer. Many of the women in my family over several generations have had cancer in one shape form or another.

I lost my mother 13 years ago to Brain, Throat and Lung cancer. Many of the women in my family over several generations have had cancer in one shape form or another. My mother was misdiagnosed for quite a while and by then it was too late...Knowing you are going to lose your mother for 2 years is both a blessing and a curse, in one way the end was a relief because the pain was over.
The curse part was that the vibrant, elegant well put together stylish woman I grew up around was gone...I didn't recognize her the last time I saw her, she was this little old woman on one of those shopping scooters hunched in the seat with a coat bundled around her and no makeup...
I would rather remember her as the force to be reckoned with, great cook, fabulous hostess, and MOM


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