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I Relay for Libby

I Relay for Libby
I Relay for Libby

My 2 year old was diagnosed with leukemia

We have participated in the Relay for Life for many years and one year were not able to do so but sponsored everyone we knew who was participating not realizing we were just weeks away from needing the services from the Cancer Society.
Just after my daughters 2nd birthday she was diagnosed with ALL - leukemia. I didn't realize it would be such a long battle but one we have fought hard and conquered. My daughter now 4.5 has finished treatment but will forever be in follow up care.
It was important to us and to her to help raise money for the Relay for Life in her team "Hope for Libby" with her asking for donations in lieu of birthday presents to go to this cause.
Hopefully one day there will be a cure so not another parent will have to explain to their child why "They ride tricycles in the hallway, not in the park. They know the names of treatments instead of their classmates. Their central lines have names. Nurses and doctors are their new family. They think hair is overrated. Their laughter can make a heart melt. Their strength will make a grown person cry. If you've ever seen a kid fight cancer, it will change your life forever"


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