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Luttez contre le cancer

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Cancer has been a part of my whole life from when I was just a little girl to becoming a Daughter-in-law.

I am going to share a few memories why when asked in 2007 to Relay I said yes.

It all started when I was around 8 years old, my cousin/best friend was sick, I couldn't understand why she had to go to Halifax (the "big city" to a young child) and we could no longer play my little ponies in the tree in her back yard. My parents took me to stay with her in the Ronald MacDonald house for a weekend and what I remember most was her beautiful red hair was gone, she had no hair... That day will be with me for the rest of my life! Now 25 years later, cancer is back again but different this time around. I am happy to say she is a SURVIVOR and has a beautiful family! I RELAY IN HER HONOR!
When I was 11 my dad re-married, I remember being a part of the wedding party and one of our stops from the church to the hall was at the hospital to visit with my dad’s father (Grampy) who was sick with lung cancer. He passed away on Mother's Day that year, I RELAY IN HIS MEMORY!
My cousin I mentioned earlier was my second home, when I was 18, her dad became sick with cancer. He was more than an uncle he was my second father. I remember one time he took me camping into a camp way out in the middle of nowhere (Kempt, was so far away back then...haha); on the way he talked about bears..... Long story short ~ he left me and my cousin at the camp while they went for a hunt, needless to say he played a trick on us! I really thought he was a bear clawing at the camp... I RELAY IN HIS MEMORY!
Most recent was a little over 5 years ago when my Father-in-law became sick, we couldn't figure out what was wrong, then we got the news he has bone cancer, we almost lost him, he went into remission for 2 yrs and now it has returned... I RELAY IN HIS HONOR!
Last year we lost a dear friend, he was way too young! I RELAY IN HIS MEMORY!


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