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Believe & Hope

Believe & Hope
Believe & Hope

Rhonda Remedios - Why I believe in this Relay for Life!

Why am I doing this?
With the risk of more than one in four of us getting some kind of cancer over a lifetime; each of us is likely to experience cancer either personally or through a family member or friend or colleague or a neighbor. From the moment of diagnosis, to the treatment effects, follow-up care, financial, family and caregiver issues cancer affects us in so many ways...
I remember my first encounter with a Cancer patient when I was 10 years old. My father's colleague had cancer and in the latter part of his illness; had shrunk to? the size he used to be. I remember thinking what a cruel illness this must be where someone changes entirely and together with his family and friends suffer so much. Over the years I have encountered cancer more often on a personal basis. I am doing this Relay because :
1. My friend's son was afflicted with the disease at only 2 years of age and succumbed to it 5 years later.
2. I am doing it because of a 2nd young boy, who was first diagnosed at age 10 and did not get to celebrate his 14th birthday...
3. I am doing it because of my cousin, and several friends, who remained positive through it all;
4. I am doing it for my father-in-law who survived for more than 15 years after successful surgery and my mother-in-law who succumbed to it;
5. I am doing it for the families they left behind ;
6. I am participating for all the cancer patients at Credit Valley Hospital and in the Mississauga region
7. I am participating for the many, many Survivors who continue to give us Hope!
Nowadays, with all the research, new technology and better drugs; it is no longer a death sentence there is hope, there is Life! Come share with me this passion for Hope! If you can't attend; then please sponsor us; get your organizations to lend a hand; bring us coffee; - just get involved! Come and share your stories; your faith and your hope in newer and more advanced technology and treatments right here at Credit Valley Hospital and in your neighborhoods!


2024 Société canadienne du cancer. Tous droits réservés. Confidentialité