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My Inspiration for participating is to honor my Moms courage and grace.

The picture included is one of Mom traveling abroad in Europe last Spring. Never would we have guessed that a short 4 months later she would no longer be with us.

This past September my mom Sandi was diagnosed with stage 4 Lung cancer. With the diagnosis we suspected that her days were numbered. My Family took an active part in getting my Mom back and forth to the Cancer Clinic for Doctor visits, Mapping MRI's and her graceful attempt at prolonging her time with us. Not one of us realized that we would only spend 5 short weeks with Mom. The day that she lost her battle was the saddest day in my life. I never wished anything more than to have her back with me, laughing, playing scrabble and remembering all the fun and wonderful years we had together. Three months later I find myself signing up for this relay for life. In years gone by I pondered participation in the Relay but this year I really have a strong urge to be a part of this incredible movement. I will walk through this day on June 8/12, with passion and grace in honor of her strength and courage. Please join me by donating in my name to this cause. Thank you


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