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In Memory of a beautiful Person..

In Memory of a beautiful Person..
In Memory of a beautiful Person..

Short.. but hard fought battle!!

I relay in Memory of my Mom. She was and is a beautiful woman. She was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer July of 2009. The family had a wonderful time together that summer with her and we were also grateful to be together at Christmas of 2009 as well. It meant the world to my Mom to have that time together. She was very weak, but never stopped smiling, nor did she ever give up. She started treatments in hopes to shrink the tumor. Unfortunately, it was without success. My Mom developed a number of complications during treatments, and on February 7th, 2010...Pancreatic Cancer had taken her from us. She was taken from us too soon, she definitely had a lot left to give, so I promised myself that I would fight for my Mother and other families. I also relay for my father in law who passed away 22yrs ago from Lung Cancer. He too was taken too early, God rest his soul. On a happier note, I proudly relay for my Nephew who is a CANCER SURVIVOR from Leukemia....:)....That alone is a celebration in itself...
Our family Relays for our Mom/Nan/Great-Nan.....she is truly missed!!


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